Beginner's Workout Plan

The Ideal Beginner's Workout

Hey guys welcome back to the Aesthetic Alpha's Crib, hope y'all had an amazing week. So today to I'll be giving to you all the perfect beginner's workout routine. Here's one place where most beginners go wrong including myself, yes I made that mistake too ;p. Okay okay calm down, I know y'all are curious now. So basically what I see a lot of people do is that they do not follow a proper beginner's workout program. People often jump directly to a pro workout which will not help at all. All it'll do is breakdown your muscles & make you weaker & skinnier. Let's keep all of that aside for now and let me get you through the workout routine all beginners should be following.

Always remember to warm-up & stretch before starting the workout. It wouldn't take you more than 5-10 minutes to warm up & stretch. A 5-10 minute jog or sprint on the treadmill should be more than enough for a good warm up. Don't waste a lot of energy in cardio in the beginning as this will hinder your muscle growth. You could then perform the basic stretches before starting. Not properly warming up could cause injuries. Stretching will help open up the muscle fibers which will increase the blood flow resulting in a better pump in the muscles & more consistent reps & range or motion.
  1. Push ups ; Many people just do not have enough strength, or I'd say they just aren't used to doing the exercise. it might even be the case with some people that they have very little muscle mass & are carrying around a lot more weight than they can handle. Here's a tip for all the people in such cases; If you're not able to perform push, you could do a knee push ups, i.e. you can place your knees on the ground & perform the exercise instead of your toes which are used in conventional push ups. Also keep in mind to not flair your arms out too much, you arms should always be at a 45 degree angle from your torso. Here's an illustration of what knee push ups look like.
  2. Pull ups ; Pull ups is one exercise which most beginners cannot perform without assistance. If you can do it, well & good but if you can't, then I'd suggest you to perform the exercise on the assisted pull up machine. In case your gym doesn't have one of those, you could use resistance bands as assistance or a friend could help you perform the exercise. Here's how you could do pull ups using a fitness band. 
  3. Incline bench press ; Incline bench press will help you grow your upper chest. This is one area where most people are lacking. You could even perform incline chest press with dumbbells once in a while. The benefit of this will be that it'll give you more stability but the con to this exercise is that you simply cannot lift as heavy as you can with the barbell. This is the sole reason I tell you guys to perform it with dumbbells only once in while, say once a month. An important thing to keep in mind is that the bench should be somewhere around 30 - 45 degree angle from the ground. Look at the picture below to get an idea of what incline bench press looks like. 
  4. Dead lifts ; This exercise will mainly ensure that you're gaining strength. It'll help in building a strong lower back,forearm& the glutes. Keep in mind to not go very heavy here in the beginning. Always keep your back straight while performing deadlifts. Keeping your back curved or too arched can lead to injuries. Also, consult with your doctor if you have any back problems before you start performing dead lifts. Here's how you perform deadlifts. 
  5. Squats ; Squats mainly help with the development of quads, i.e. the muscles in our thighs. It also plays a major role in developing the glutes. In the beginning start squating with no weights & as you progress & become stronger, you could start adding weights according to your strength. You could also throw in hamstring curls & calf raises for all round development of the lower body. An illustration of how squats are performed is shown below. 
  6. Shoulder Press ; You could do shoulder press using either a barbell or dumbbells. Use light & easy to handle weights in the beginning. You have to be extra cautious with this exercise as the shoulders are the most prone to getting injured so keep in mind to have good from & keep the weights light. Shoulders are small muscles, you cannot expect to lift the same wight while doing shoulder presses as you do in bench press. Keep your arms a little in front of your body, never flair your arms out, this will lead to injuries. Another thing to keep in mind is to perform this exercise standing as this will help with proper development of & a strong core. Always keep your back straight & chin up while doing shoulder press. In addition to this you could also do shrugs once in a while for well developed traps, i.e. the muscle running down from your neck to your shoulder. Here's how shoulder press is performed. 
  7. Bicep Curls & Tricep push down ; Other exercises like pull ups & push ups also activate the arm muscles but just not enough to keep them symmetric & in proportion with the rest of the body. This is basically to keep your arms growing at the same speed as all the other muscles & to keep them proportionate with the rest of your body. For the biceps you could perform a few different variations, like, simple dumbbell curls, barbell curls or hammer curls. Keep alternating between these three in different workout sessions for best results. Now for the triceps you can start with cable push down with the straight bar attachment for the inner muscle & with the rope attachment for the outer muscle. Use lighter weight when preforming the exercise with the rope attachment as it works the outer head more & as the outer head of the tricep is smaller it cannot lift the same amount of weight as the inner & bigger head. Alternate between these in every other workout so as to keep your tricep proportionate & aesthetic. Below are the examples of how dumbbell curl & tricep push down is performed respectively. 

Perform the above mentioned exercises in a circuit & repeat the circuit 3 times in total. You should get out 8-12 reps per set for all of the above given exercises. Do  these exercises 3 times a week. Do not do train 3 days in a row. The idle routine should look something like;

                   Monday - Workout day
                   Tuesday - Rest day
                   Wednesday - Workout day
                   Thursday - Rest day
                   Friday - Workout day
                   Saturday - Rest day
                   Sunday - Rest day

As far as abs & core exercises are concerned, you should be doing them on rest days, say, on Tuesday, Thursday & Friday with respect to the above given routine. I'll soon be posting a complete guide on beginner's abs workout, so stay tuned.


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