Beginner's Abs Workout

Hey guys, welcome back to the Aesthetic Alpha's Crib. So let's continue where we last left & let me give you the complete guide on how to build abs today. If you're new around here, kindly go & check out the complete beginner's workout routine by clicking on Beginner's Workout & other blog posts, link is at the bottom.

So let me begin with saying that the first & most important thing to keep in mind here is that you should have a relatively low body fat percentage to be able to see your abs. It should be at least 14% or lower for you to have clearly visible abs, although everyone has different bodies where for some people, they could see the abs at as much as 16% body fat while some might start seeing it at 10% body fat. The solution to this is that you first have to lose fat in by eating at a caloric deficit, i.e. eating lesser calories than your body needs to maintain itself. What this will do is, it'll burn your fat cells & use them as a source to fuel your body. But remember to not go too low on the calories, this may result in you loosing muscle mass or worse, you could even fall sick. A complete guide on how to lose fat fast will soon be coming up, so stay tuned & subscribe to get notified as soon as it comes up.

Do not forget to warm up & stretch before starting the workout. This is an essential key you should be following before starting any workout. So without any further ado let's begin with the workout. Do the workout at least 2 hours after you eat something, or it might upset your stomach.

Here are five exercises you should be doing as a beginner to get a ripped 6 pack.

  1. Crunches ; Lie down on the ground & keep your legs hooked to something & then pull yourself up towards the ceiling while flexing your abs. Remember to pull yourself up with your abs rather than with your legs. This will ensure a good mind-muscle connection which will actually help in muscle fibers breaking down more efficiently. This will lead to better & quicker formation of the abs. Crunches play a part especially in building the upper abs. Here's an example of how crunches are performed. 
  2. Leg Raises ; Leg raises are performed by lying down flat on your back lifting your legs up towards the ceiling while focusing on flexing your abs all the time. This works your lower abs more & ensures proper growth. If you cannot perform leg raises with your legs straight, you could even bend your knees & perform the exercise. Remember to go back down slow & controlled & always keep tension on the muscles while performing the whole exercise. Here's how you perform leg raises. 
  3. Flutter Kicks ; Lie down flat on the ground. lift your legs about 8-10 inches above the ground & start fluttering i.e. lifting one leg higher while the other remains constant & then repeat with the other leg. This is kind of like a scissor movement or something like how you paddle your legs while swimming, the only difference is that here you're lying down on your back. Do not bed your knees in this movement & try to keep your legs straight. Remember to not rest your feet on the ground while performing the exercise. Your legs should always be in the air about 10 inches away from the ground. Here's how to perform flutter kicks. 
  4. Mountain Climbers ; As the name suggests, this exercise is exactly performed like climbing a mountain. Place your hands & toes on the ground & form a kind or a bridge, like a straight plank, remember to keep your back straight. Once you've got into the position, pull your knees up towards your chest while keeping a good posture. Also, try to twist a little during the movement, what I mean by this is that pull your right knee to your left chest & your left knee to your right chest. If you cannot perform it that way, you could go with the conventional way i.e. pulling you knee up straight. This exercise will help you to form your obliques i.e. the muscles that run alongside the abs. Here's how to perform the exercise. 
  5. Plank ; The plank will help you get all the muscle fibers together. It'll ensure a stronger & more stable core which will improve your balance. What you have to do here is, place your elbows & toes on the ground while keeping your back straight. Keep your core tight along with your glutes & quads flexed. You should form a straight plank by doing this. Now hold this position for about 30-45 seconds. You should feel a deep burn in your abs while doing this. And done! That's all you've to do here. Below is a picture of how to properly form a plank. 

Follow this circuit & repeat 3 times in total. Do this workout 3 days in a week on alternate days. Do not forget to properly stretch after each workout session. If you've already seen the last post on the complete beginner's workout routine, you could co-ordinate this ab workout on the rest days with the full body routine as mentioned in the earlier post. If you still haven't checked out the Beginner's full body workout routine click on Beginner's Workout.

So there it is guys, the complete beginners guide on how to get abs. For more tips & information on other health & fitness related topics visit The Aesthetic Alpha.

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