How To Lose Fat Fast?
Hey everyone, how are y'all doing? Well, I hope everyone's doing great in their life. So today let's talk about losing weight. Oops! There's the catch, it's never about only losing weight. It's always about losing fat while holding on to as much muscle mass as possible.
So what's the most effective way to lose fat fast? Here are a few ways to do that.
- Eat At A Caloric Deficit
- High Protein Diet
- Intermittent Fasting
- HIIT - High Intensity Interval Training
- Ketogenic Diet
I'm not an expert. All I speak is from my personal experience. From all the above mentioned methods, I'd say, you make a good plan which includes at least one or for even faster results, a combination of these methods. I'll soon be posting here, a complete fat loss program for you guys. subscribe & stay tuned for the same.
Firstly, as I personally haven't ever used the keto diet & also have heard that it has a lot of side effects. Don't quote me on this, I'm just not sure whether it's safe or not. So let's just keep the keto diet out of the picture for now.
Eating At A Caloric Deficit ; So let's begin, firstly the most important aspect when you want to lose fat is how many calories you're taking in. In the end it all boils down to the amount of calories you take in & what your body burns. Your nutrition & diet play a crucial part here. When your diet isn't right, no matter how much you workout or whatever you do, you won't see the results you want. Apart from the amount of calories you're taking in & burning, what also matters is the quality of food. You can't just eat any crap & expect to get that amazing physique you desire. Also remember to not be very aggressive with keeping your calories at a deficit. Ideally you should be eating 300-700 calories below your maintenance calories. Maintenance calories is the amount of calories your body needs to maintain it's weight while at rest. If you get too aggressive with cutting down calories, you might start feeling weak or even start losing muscle mass. Click on Maintenance Calorie Calculator to find out your maintenance calories.
Eating A High Protein Diet ; Eating foods that are high in protein will ensure that you do not lose muscle while losing fat. Include foods like chicken, eggs, fish, soy chunks, soy beans, green peas, whey protein & other foods that are high in protein. It is a fact that you'll lose some amount of muscle while cutting down on the calories. But eating a high protein diet will reduce that drastically & help your body hold on to as much muscle mass as possible while cutting down fat. Another benefit of eating a high protein diet is that it speeds up the process of burning fat as your body doesn't have enough carbs to fuel itself for proper functioning, as a result it breaks down more fat to use it as fuel. I'll be posting a complete weight loss diet on the blog soon. Subscribe & stay tuned for when it comes up.
Intermittent Fasting ; Intermittent fasting is one of the most effective ways to lose fat fast. It is basically a method where you stay fasted i.e. you do not eat anything for a long period of the day. The most popular version of it is the 16 & 8 hour split. What you do here is that you eat everything in an 8 hour window & then you cannot eat anything for the next 16 hours. You then have to repeat this for the next few days until you reach your goal. The motive here is that you eat 2-3 big meals spread throughout the day & then do not eat anything for the next 16 hours. During the fasted zone you could only drink water & even black coffee if you crave it. In fact you should drink as much water as possible. This will help you to lose fat faster & it's also be beneficial for many other health issues.
HIIT - High Intensity Interval Training ; This is a form of cardio where you train in short bursts. It is exactly what the name suggests, it's training at intervals with high intensity. How is it performed? You basically perform the cardio exercise at a very high intensity for a short period, say at 80% of what you can do at the max & then you rest for a short period. But here's the twist, you do not have to completely go into rest mode, what I mean to say is that you do not sit down & rest, what you have to be doing is continue the exercise at very very low intensity, almost like you're not doing it. The rest is just meant for to recover to be able to continue with the exercise. But do not try to skip this, here, rest is very important. Let's say for example you choose running as a form of cardio, here what you'll do is that you'll sprint as fast as you can, about 80% of your max speed (don't go all out or you might faint) for 30 seconds & then you brisk walk for 30 seconds. You then repeat this for 15-20 minutes. You could do many forms of cardio in HIIT, rowing, sprinting, step ups, skipping rope, knee raises are just a few to name. The benefit of doing HIIT over regular cardio is that you can burn as many calories in 20 minutes as you will with 1-2 hours of regular cardio. Another benefit is the after burn effect, i.e. you continue to burn calories even many hours after you've worked out.
I'll soon be posting a complete fat loss plan & fat loss diet, subscribe & stay tuned.
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